Requesting and obtaining sTAO
When the entity accepts the quote, the minting process can be finalized by transferring the required amount of TAO on the Bittensor blockchain. This process entails:
The creation of an on-chain minting request that includes the amount and the price of the transaction, facilitated by the web2 interface calling ‘createMintingRequest’ on the Taofu contract.
The minting entity sends the TAO to the Taofu minting wallet on the Bittensor network.
The Taofu oracle identifies the new incoming transaction, and correlates the sender to the minting entity. If there is an open RFQ for this entity that matches the exact parameters of the minting request, the oracle calls ‘approveMintingRequest’.
The calling of ‘approveMintingRequest’ triggers the creation of a ‘mintingQueueItem’.
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